When it comes to condo rental units, one commonly asked question is whether a tenant can decorate the unit: what can and cannot be done.
If you're a landlord and you have concerns about your tenant making aesthetic changes in your rental unit, this can be addressed by writing specific limitations into the lease agreement.
Typical considerations may include:
- whether the mounting of televisions, artwork or other items is allowed in the unit, and how such changes should be dealt with when the tenant vacates (e.g. must be returned to its original state);
- whether the painting of walls is allowed in the unit, and how such changes should be dealt with when the tenant vacates (e.g. must be returned to its original colour);
- for furnished units, whether furniture can be moved around or removed from the unit.
Remember, it doesn't hurt to protect your interests but it's wise to be reasonable and fair in doing so. Step into your tenant's shoes for a moment and ask yourself what your expectations would be if you were in their position. You'd likely want to make your new home feel just that way - like your home, right? Keep that in mind when negotiating the terms of your contract; you don't want to risk losing a good potential tenant over what may be a minor issue that can easily be addressed!