Ever wonder how much people are actually paying these days for a home in the sky? Well, with a new weekly feature that we call The Past 30 Days, we’ll be indulging that very curiosity!
Media reports create a lot of buzz and tend to help fuel (or depress) market activity, but with so many stories about the boom and bust of real estate, it’s sometimes hard to tell what’s really going on. We believe that facts speak for themselves. So, by profiling various condo buildings throughout the city and sharing how much featured units have sold or leased for within the past month, we hope to create a ‘snapshot in time’ that will give you a better sense of how the condo market is doing over time.

In the past 30 days, a total of four units have sold at Radio City with prices ranging from $287,900 for a 1-BR unit of 577 sq ft to $505,000 for a 2-BR suite of 866 sq ft. Two units were also leased over the past month from $1,300 to $2,100 for 1- and 2-bedroom suites, respectively.
If you’re curious about how property values have held up in this building over the past couple of years, a 1-BR unit that sold in 2009 was just resold for $30,900 more than it did just 16 months ago, while a 2-BR unit that sold in 2008 was just resold for $55,100 more than it did only 21 months ago.
For more information on Radio City, please click here.
Please note that units can vary greatly in features and finishes which would normally be considered in any purchase or sale. Any transactions outlined above are for general information purposes only and may not reflect those of typical suites. LiveHigh.com is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided or for any damages or loss resulting from the use of such information. For further information on these or other sales, please consult a real estate specialist.